Welcome to the Dance of the Lawless universe! A Neo noir world set in Pentagon City. Nicky James rose from nothing to rule the highway of nocturnal entertainment, the Strip. Here, he encounters strange characters from the underworld and tortured
Souls from his past. In a world where dreams and nightmares wind so tightly they cannot be freed from one another, who will survive?
Two main novels, volume one: lost people do bad things, and volume two: Drapetomania, tell this story and both Volumes are available now on Amazon kindle. (Hit the link at the bottom of the page to buy now.) If you prefer to listen, Dance of the Lawless, the podcast is a episodic version of the story with music, original voice acting and effects. Season one is playing now. Hit the links on the podcast page to listen.
There are also short stories and much more, go the main menu and explore!